Saturday, 12 September 2020

Manipulate Slot Machines to Bring Out Massive Payouts

Slot machines are one of the most played casino games. Also called one-armed bandits, these were initially developed as candy dispensing machines but later were changed to dispense money. In the early days of slot machines, there used to be a single pay line with simple themes, like fruits and 777. With slot machines in almost every gas station at the casino, it has become much more advanced. Some themes of present slot machines include celebrities, superheroes, and movies.

Cheat codes of winning on slot machines in gas stations 

Slots sure can collect a lot of money but they also deliver in the most money from stakes and they can also carry some of the heftiest jackpot payouts. One can opt for several tricks to win on slot machines and take home quite a lot of fortune. Some such strategies are,

Free spin and multiplayer 

One can use bonus features present on slot machines to make big money. 

Free spin slot machines let players place a bet of the same value as of the base game. Multipliers are another bonus feature present in many slots. Slots with 3 times multiplier or more are the best, and a big win with these is no less than a jackpot. 

Cheat like a pro 

One of the most popular ways to cheat a slot machine is by using shaved coins. For the designing of the machine, when a shaved coin is put in along with an object, the same shape and size of the stake coin, this causes the machine to return the shaved coin and use the other object to pay the game. One must go for slot machines with higher RTP. You should remember that for every million dollars winner, there are thousands of lost players. Slots with higher RTP are better in giving back in the long game. 

The famous cheating method 

One can use Tommy Carmichael’s famous slot cheat using a light wand. A light wand can blind the slot machine’s sensor to prevent it from assessing the number of coins deposited and affecting its payout strategy. Carmichael could transform small amounts into big wins using this trick.

Slot machines at gas stations are the best to win big because most of the players here are recreational, unlike professionals in casinos. Using the above tricks one will win slot machines every time they play.

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